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SIS Mirage IGP

Specification SIS graphics cards

Benchmark points

SIS Mirage (SIS 330 in SiS 661FX chipset) is integrated GPU with 64-bit DDR memory and DirectX 7.0 support.
Tested platform: Abit SG-80DC, 3.4E CPU and 2x1 Gb DDR1

Used cards: It only comes with Intel S478/S775 motherboards.
SIS Mirage
Manufacturer Ramdac Slot GPU Transistors Memory DirectX OpenGL
Mhz Pipes Fillrate Millions µm Mhz Mb ns Type bit Bandwith
 Abit SG-80DC SIS 661FX 375 AGP 8x 134 2x2 536 - .15 166 64 - DDR 64 2656 7.0 1.3

SIS Mirage IGP benchmark results (XP Driver)

Model CrystalMark09 Quake3 Demo 3DMark 2000 3DMark 2001SE SeriousSam FE
GDI D2D DirectX OpenGL
  SIS Mirage IGP 6243 3362 91.8 3954 1978 66.3 -
